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Translational Lectures in Reproductive Science

The Northwestern University Center for Reproductive Science (CRS) sponsors a formal seminar series called the Translational Lectures in Reproductive Science. All of the named lectureships below celebrate current and former CRS faculty members who have contributed significantly to the field of reproductive science. These seminars are open to the broader Northwestern community and the public.

To participate in the program or to suggest a speaker, please contact us.

Erwin Goldberg Lectureship in Male Reproduction

A reproductive biologist, Erwin Goldberg, PhD, professor emeritus at Northwestern University, has sought to extend basic observations from the lab to the bedside throughout his career. His landmark observation of a unique enzyme (LDH-C4, lactate dehydrogenase) in the testis is a foundation for understanding how sperm are produced. He also cloned and sequenced the LDH-C gene and successfully targeted the disruption of the gene, which results in male infertility. This finding was integral to the understanding of sperm function and important to diagnosis of male infertility. 

Goldberg is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (ASA) and has received the Distinguished Service Award and the Distinguished Andrologist Award from the American Society of Andrology, of which he also served as president. He has been a member of the ASA since it was founded in 1975. He has also received an honorary doctorate of science degree from the State University of New York. 

The inaugural lecture took place in October 2017 with Kelly Mayo, PhD, the Walter and Jennie Bayne Professor of Molecular Biosciences at Northwestern University's Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences.

 Previous Goldberg Speakers

Name Affiliation Date
Paula Cohen, PhD

Cornell University

February 2025

Michael Griswold, PhD

Washington State University

February 2024

Bernard Robaire, PhD

McGill University

February 2023

Erika L. Matunis, PhD

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

February 2022

Thomas O’Halloran, PhD

Michigan State University

February 2021

Saher (Sue) Hammoud, PhD

University of Michigan

February 2020

Barry Zirkin, PhD

Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg School of Public Health

January 2019

Kelly Mayo, PhD

Northwestern University

October 2017

Neena B. Schwartz Memorial Lectureship in Reproductive Science

The Center for Reproductive Science continues to celebrate the life and work of our founder, Neena B. Schwartz, PhD, since she passed away on April 15, 2018. In 1980, she organized the Program in Reproductive Research and in 1987 became founding director of the Center for Reproductive Science, a peak experience for Schwartz in creating a home for the work that she loved and the faculty and students she recruited. Schwartz trained over 50 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. She was trained as a physiologist, and her laboratory focused on the factors that establish reproductive cycles in mammals. Perhaps most notable was her work on the role of ovarian inhibin in negative feedback regulation of FSH secretion in the female. 

In one of her most impactful papers, published in 1977 in PNAS, she and the late Cornelia Channing, a biochemist from the University of Maryland, described the identity of female inhibin (folliculostatin) in follicular fluid. Work prior to their discovery was primarily in the male and this pivotal study opened the entire field of peptide-negative feedback regulation and ushered in the discovery of the larger TGFβ-superfamily of ligands. The impact of her studies was recognized by her election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1992, among many other awards and honors. 

Schwartz was also a leader. Notably, in 1971 she was an organizer and first president of the American Women in Science. She was also the president of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, president of the Endocrine Society and co-founder of Women in Endocrinology.  

Read more about Schwartz.

Read about Schwartz's legacy in Endocrine News.

View the Schwartz photo album.

Donations continue to be accepted for this lectureship; make a donation in Schwartz's name.

 Previous Schwartz Speakers

Name Affiliation Date
Sarah K. England, PhD

Washington University

October 2024

Stephanie Seminara, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University

 December 2023

Patricia Hunt, PhD

Washington State University

October 2022

T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD

University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus

October 2021

Thomas Thompson, PhD

University of Cincinnati - College of Medicine

October 2020

Daniel Bernard, PhD

McGill University, Toronto, Canada

October 2019

Catherine Woolley, PhD

Northwestern University - Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

October 2018

Janice Evans, PhD

Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg School of Public Health

January 2018

Jon Levine

University of Wisconsin - Madison

December 2016

Allan Spalding

Carnegie Institute of Washington

April 2014

Kenneth Korach, PhD

Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, NIEHS/NIH

October 2012

Susan Fisher, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles

April 2012 

Francisco DeMayo, PhD

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 

September 2011

Linda Giudice, MD, PhD

University of California, San Francisco 

October 2009

Peter Koopman, PhD

University of Queensland, Australia

January 2008

Blanche Chapel, PhD

Duke University

October 2007

Joanne Richards, PhD

Baylor College of Medicine


J David Pruett, PhD

The University of Georgia and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine


William Crowley, MD

Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital


Danielle Maatouk Memorial Lectureship

Danielle Marie Maatouk, PhD, was an exceptional scientist who studied how changes in the epigenome regulate gene expression and cell fate determination during fetal development. She received her doctorate from the University of Florida in molecular genetics then worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of biology and genetics at Duke University before working at Northwestern University as an assistant professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

In her own words: “The goal of my lab is to investigate how changes in the epigenome regulate gene expression and cell fate determination during fetal development. Specifically, I will investigate chromatin remodeling during sex determination and uncover regulatory elements that modulate the activity of genes required for ovary and testis formation. I will use this information to aid in the diagnosis of patients with disorders of sexual development, the majority of whom never receive a genetic diagnosis.” 

Maatouk passed away on November 13, 2016, at the age of 39, after a two-and-a-half-year battle with aggressive colon cancer. She is survived by her husband, Christopher Futtner, and their two children. She was an innovator, a teacher, a colleague, a friend. Science will miss Danielle Maatouk – but her legacy lives on in all of us in the department, her students and in the next generation of learners who will reveal the fundamentals of sex.

Donations continue to be accepted for this lectureship; make a donation in Maatouk's name.

 Previous Maatouk Speakers

Name Affiliation Date
Blanche Capel, PhD

Duke University

April 2024

Humphrey Yao, PhD


September 2023

Tony De Falco, PhD

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center 

April 2022

Joan Jorgensen, PhD, DVM

University of Wisconsin – Madison

April 2021

Peter Koopman, PhD

University of Queensland; Brisbane, Australia

April 2019

Robin Lovell-Badge, PhD

The Francis Crick Institute; London, UK

April 2018

 All Previous Translational Lecture Speakers

Name Affiliation Date
Paula Cohen, PhD

Cornell University

February 2025

Kathryn Grive, PhD

Brown University

January 2025

Sarah K. England, PhD

Washington University

October 2024

Blanche Capel, PhD

Duke University

April 2024

Michael Griswold, PhD

Washington State University

February 2024

Kara McKinley, PhD

Harvard University

January 2024

Stephanie Seminara, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University

December 2023

Humphrey Yao, PhD


September 2023

Bernard Robaire, PhD

McGill University

February 2023

Diana Monsivais, PhD

Baylor University

January 2023

Patricia Hunt, PhD

Washington State University

October 2022

Tony De Falco, PhD

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

April 2022

Erika L. Matunis, PhD

Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine

February 2022

Debabrata Chakravarti, PhD

Northwestern University

January 2022

T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus

October 2021

Pierre Comizzoli, PhD, DVM

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park

August 2021

Joan Jorgensen, PhD, DVM

University of Wisconsin-Madison

April 2021

Thomas O'Halloran, PhD

Michigan State University

February 2021

Tom Thompson, PhD

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

October 2020

Saher (Sue) Hammoud, PhD

University of Michigan

February 2020

Melissa Simon, MD, MPH

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

December 2019

Daniel Bernard, PhD

McGill University, Toronto, Canada

October 2019

Peter Koopman, PhD

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

April 2019

Barry Zirkin, PhD

Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg School of Public Health

January 2019

Sadie Wignall, PhD

Northwestern University Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

December 2018

Catherine Woolley, PhD

Northwestern University, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

October 2018 

Joanne McAndrews, PhD

Self-employed, American Medical Writers Association

October 2018

Serdar Bulun, MD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

May 2018

Robin Lovell-Badge, PhD

The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK

April 2018

Mariana Wolfner, PhD

Cornell University 

March 2018 

Thomas Hope, PhD

Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering and Feinberg School of Medicine

February 2018 

Janice Evans, PhD*

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

January 2018

Jennifer Gerton, PhD

Stowers Institute for Medical Research, and The University of Kansas School of Medicine

January 2018

William Grobman, MD, MBA

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 

November 2017 

Kelly Mayo, PhD

Northwestern University Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences

October 2017

Gail Prins, PhD

University of Illinois at Chicago

May 2017

Susan Klock, PhD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

April 2017 

Milan Bagchi, PhD

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign

March 2017

Daniela Matei, MD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

February 2017

Jon Levine, PhD*

University of Wisconsin-Madison

December 2016

Shannon Kelleher, PhD

Penn State Hershey College of Medicine

February 2015

David Soybel, MD

Penn State Hershey College of Medicine

February 2015 

Richard Stouffer, PhD*

Oregon Health & Science University

January 2015

William Grobman, MD, MBA

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

December 2014 

Joan Jorgensen, PhS

University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine

November 2014

Steve Hammes, MD, PhD

University of Rochester

May 2014 

Allan Spradling, PhD*

Carnegie Institution of Washington

April 2014

Tracy Bale, PhD

University of Pennsylvania 

March 2014

Jose Teixeira, PhD

Michigan State University

February 2014 

Joao Ramalho-Santos, PhD

University of Coimbra, Portugal

January 2014 

George Saade, MD

University of Texas Medical Branch

January 2014

Julie Kim, PhD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

December 2013

Abby Dernburg, PhD

University of California – Berkley

November 2013 

Max Costa, PhD

New York University 

October 2013 

Nao Suzuki, PhD

Nao Suzuki, PhD

September 2013

Mario Ascoli, PhD

University of Iowa 

April 2013

Gerald Cunha, PhD

University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine

March 2013

Mary Hunzicker-Dunn, PhD

Washington State University

February 2013

Jock Findlay, AO, PhD, DS

Prince Henry Institute, Clayton VIC, Australia

February 2013 

Aleksander Rajkovic, MD, PhD

University of Pittsburgh

January 2013

Takeshi Kurita, PhD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

December 2012

John McLachlan, PhD

Tulane University 

November 2012

Kenneth Korach, PhD*

Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, NIEHS/NIH

October 2012

Hamish Wallace, MD

Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

September 2012

Hugh Taylor, MD

Yale University School of Medicine

May 2012 

Susan Fisher, PhD*

University of California, Los Angeles 

April 2012

John Katzenellenbogen, PhD

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign 

February 2012

Benita Katzenellenbogen, PhD

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign

February 2012

Chris Kuzawa, PhD

Northwestern University Weinberg College of Arts and Science

January 2012

Robert Brannigan, MD

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

December 2011

Dolores Lamb, PhD

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX

November 2011

Marty Matzuk, MD, PhD

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX

October 2011

Amander Clark, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles

September 2011 

Francesco DeMayo, PhD*

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 


Susan Fisher, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

May 2010

Seyon Choe, PhD

Salk Institute

April 2010

Patricia Hunt, PhD

Washington State University

March 2010

Nick Webster, PhD

University of California, San Diego

March 2010 

Shahin Rafi, MD

Cornell University

February 2010

Diego Castrillon, MD, PhD

U.T. Southwestern Med. Center

December 2009 

S.K. Dey, MD

Vanderbilt University

November 2009

Allan Herbison, PhD

University of Otago-New Zealand

October 2009

Linda Giudice, MD, PhD*

University of California, San Francisco

October 2009

Andrea Gore, PhD

University of Texas – Austin

May 2008

Pam Mellon, PhD

University of California, San Diego

March 2008

Milan Bagchi, PhD

University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign 

February 2008

Peter Koopman, PhD*

The University of Queensland, Australia 


Jeff Weiss, PhD

Northwestern University

December 2007

Holly Ingraham, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

November 2007

Blanche Capel, PhD*

Duke University

October 2007

Jeff Chang, PhD

University of California, San Diego

September 2007 

Joanne Richards, PhD*

Baylor College of Medicine


J. David Puett, PhD*

The University of Georgia and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine


William Crowley Jr., MD*

Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital


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